International training centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching


19th International Training
Session on Human Rights and Peace Education

Geneva, 8 - 14 July 2001

with the financial support of
the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern,
and the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Human rights education against racism


Participants at the 19th Session are required to register for one of the two language groups: English or French. The sections run parallel programmes, with a common timetable. You are expected to remain in the group you first choose.

Sunday - Monday -Tuesday - Wednesdayi - Thursday - Friday - Saturday

Sunday, 8 July 2001


15h00 - 17h30* - Registration at the Château de Bossey

18h30* Dinner

19h30 - 20h00* - Introduction of the Participants

- Facilitated by the teaching staff


20h30 - 21h30 - Meeting of the English-speaking Section

- Yves LADOR
CIFEDHOP, Switzerland

- Joshua COOPER
Teacher, Hawaii, USA

- Alenka BREGANT
Teacher, Slovenia

- Eva B. Nagy
Teacher, Hongria

Monday, 9 July 2001

8h00* - Breakfast

9h00-9h30* - OPENING SESSION

- Martine BRUNSCHWIG GRAF, State Minister for Education, State of Geneva

- Philippe AEGERTER, Director, Department of Social Affairs, Schools and
The Environment, City of Geneva

- Frej FENNICHE, Senior Human Rights Officer, UN High Commission for Human Rights, Geneva

- Monique PRINDEZIS, Director of CIFEDHOP, Geneva

9h30-10h30* - INAUGURAL DISCUSSION: Cultural Dialogue and the Fight against Racism

- Camille KUYU
University of Paris I, la Sorbonne

- Peter PROVE
The Lutherian World Federation, Geneva

Moderator : Jean HENAIRE
Comparative education analyst, Montreal, director of Thematic Collection, CIFEDHOP

10h30 - 11h00* -Coffee Break

101h00-12h30 - Case Study

- Peter PROVE
- Joshua COOPER

12h30* - 13h00 Apéritif

13h00* - Lunch

14h00 - 15h45 Human Rights Education Methodology

- Alenka BREGANT

15h45 - 16h15 - Coffee Break

16h15 - 18h00 - Workshop continued

18h30* Cocktails and Buffet

Tuesday, 10 July 2001

8h00* -Breakfast

8h45 -10h15 - Intercultural Education in Schools

Education consultant, Bristol

10h15 - 10h45* -Coffee Break

10h45 -12h00 - Workshops


12h30* -Lunch

14h00 - 15h45 - Study Circles : Case Study in Hungria

- Eva B. Nagy

15h45 - 16h15* -Coffee Break

16h15-18h00 - Intercultural Education : Social and School engagement

- Raimundo DINELLO, Uruguay

- Anne BECK
Director, a.i. Secondary College, Gland

18h30* -Dinner

Wednesday, 11 July 2001 VISIT

8h00* - Breakfast

9h00* - Bus departure for the United Nations

9h30 - 12h30* - Guided tour of the United Nations

Afternoon* FREE

Thursday, 12 July 2001


8h45 - 10h15 - Introduction to Human Rights : the foundation concepts

- Yves LADOR
- Joshua COOPER

10h15-10h45 -Coffee Break

10h45-12h00 - International Human Rights Instruments

- Yves LADOR

12h30* -Lunch

14h00 - 15h45 - Human Rights Protection Mechanisms

- Yves LADOR

15h45 - 16h15* -Coffee Break

16h15 - 18h00 Workshop

- Joshua COOPER

18h30* -Dinner

Friday, 13 July 2001

8h00* -Breakfast

8h45 - 10h15* - Debate

The many forms of discrimination : a challenge for equality of rights

Assistant Director General, Africa Departement, UNESCO, Paris

Does international law allow the fight against discrimination

- Julian BURGER
Bureau of High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva

Moderator : Jean HENAIRE

10h15 - 10h45* -Coffee Break

10h45 - 12h00 - Debate continued

12h30* -Lunch

14h00 - 15h45 - Methods for further action
Complex instruction methods

- Eva B. Nagy

15h45 - 16h15* - Coffee Break

16h15 - 18h00 - Workshop continued

18h30* - Dinner

20h00* -Participants Party



9h00* -Breakfast

9h30 - 10h00 - Evaluation of the Session

10h00 - 11h00 - Wrap-up activity

11h00 - 12h00* - Distribution of Certificates and Closing Address


12h00 - 12h30* - Farewell drink

12h30* - Lunch