International training centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching


International Meeting of Experts on the new Council of Human Rights
and the issues of human rights education

Organised in collaboration with the International Bureau of Education
on the occasion of the 3rd session of the Council
Geneva, from 4 to 7 December 2006

With the financial support of
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern
The Republic and Canton of Geneva and the City of Geneva

Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday

Location of meetings :  International Bureau of Education, 15, route des Morillons, Geneva.


Sunday 3 December 2006

17h00-19h00 -

Welcome and introduction of participants
Introduction of the meeting’s objectives
Brief history of the transition from the Human Rights Commission to the Human Rights Council

Monday 4 December 2006 : International Bureau of Education (IBE)

09h00 - 09h30

Opening Session

09h00 - 12h00

Discussion concerning a reaffirmation of the benefits of human rights education

14h00 - 17h00  

Experience and benefits of fundamental rights education

                        - UNICEF
                        - BIE 
                        - HCR &  SCA

Tuesday 5 December 2006 : International Bureau of Education

09h00 - 12h00

Discussion on the integration of human rights education with educational policy

14h00 - 16h00  

Experience in education and learning in professional sectors

16h00 - 17h00  

Analysis of the risks in the use of human rights education to achieve political ends

Wednesday 6 December 2006 : UN

09h00 - 12h00

Meeting with representatives of regional groupson the use of human rights education in country procedures

14h00 - 16h00

Meeting with NGO’s working on country situations
Meeting with the High Commissioner of Human Rights

16h00 - 17h00

Discussion of Conclusions
Conclusion et Closing Ceremonies