Centre international de formation pour l'enseignement des droits de l'homme et de la paix

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(Please return, completed in block letters, before April 31, 2004 *)

22nd International Session

Improvement session on human rights education

The battle against violence

Geneva, 5 - 11 July 2004


First Name::............................................…………......................................

O Male O Female





Nationality: ..….…............................................................….........................

Date of birth:.……........................................................….............................

Tel : (private) ............................................(prof.)...........................................

Fax : (private)........................................….(prof.)..............…..........…............

E-mail address …….......................................…………………………………….

Present occupation:....................................……...........................................


Name and address of school/organisation in which you work:





O primary O secondary O vocational O other

Age of your students:...............................………............................……….....

Subjects taught: ........................……..............………....................................



Qualifications/Diplomas College/University Subjects Years




Languages: English O understand O speak O read O write

French O understand O speak O read O write

Other:..........................O understand O speak O read O write

If you have already taken courses on human rights or peace teaching, please indicate:
Organizing Institution Year




Have you worked in public or private organizations addressing human rights or peace ? (please give a brief description)




The personal information requested is intended for office use only (for decisions concerning your application).

Please fill in the attached Experience Sharing Questionnaire on the issues of justice

* Applications and Experience Sharing Questionnaire to be returned to the CIFEDHOP, 5, rue du Simplon, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland

Experience Sharing Questionnaire

The battle against violence: