Welcome to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Monitoring Platform

This Platform’s main goal is to allow an information exchange on UPR and human rights education in the frame of the UN Human Rights Council’s deliberations. We thus wish to contribute to the promotion and defense of human rights thanks to interactive knowledge sharing, questioning, and filed experiences. 

The platform is organized by the International Training Centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching

Morocco : the human rights situation is declining, a report says

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (MAHR) states, in its annual report 2012, that the human rights situation in the country is sharply declining. Read more


Universal Periodic Review Toolkit Add-On Advocacy Guide

Save the children published Universal Periodic Review Toolkit Add-On Advocacy Guide

«This short advocacy guide aims to provide CSOs and child-led groups with a brief overview of the child rights outcomes and lessons learned from the UPR’s first cycle and how this can help improve advocacy for the second cycle through a 10-step guide to successful child rights UPR advocacy.»

Female genital mutilations : what to know for fighting against them?

Dr Didier Dellea's paper takes stock of the 92 millions young girls of ten years of age and over being victims of genital mutilations in Africa (1). Most of the time practiced between childhood and 15 years old girls, those mutilations - widespread in some countries - have grown in number in Europe, Australia, Canada and the United states, essentially among immigrants from Africa and South-East Asia (2).

Message from Education for All (EFA) Global Partnerships Team

The National EFA 2015 Reviews have been officially launched through invitation letters addressed to all Ministers of Education (attached hereto). As you will see, both the letter and the guidelines suggest that civil society organizations should participate in the national reviews.

France : adoption du projet de loi pour la refondation de l’Ecole

L’adoption du projet de loi pour la refondation de l’École pourrait représenter une avancée majeure dans l’accès à l’éducation pour tous les enfants.

Résumé de la 20ème séance du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme

Le Service International pour les Droits de l’Homme met à la disposition des internautes un résumé complet des développements et des débats de la 20ème séance du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme (Conseil).

Télécharger le résumé en format PDF

Ten million child labourers in domestic work

«To mark World Day Against Child Labour, the International Labour Organization (ILO) publishes a report outlining the abuses suffered by millions of children working in family homes.»

Manuel d’assistance juridique destiné aux enfants et à leurs défenseurs

Le CRIN (Children Rights International Network) vient de publier un guide d'assistance juridique expliquant « comment obtenir une assistance juridique gratuite pour les enfants et pour les défenseurs des droits de l’enfant.

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