International training centre for Human Rights and Peace Teaching


11e session (in french)

<<Valeurs démocratiques et finalités éducatives>>

12e session (in french)

<<Mondialisation et particularismes>>

13e session Programme Report

<<Education about human rights and peace:issues and guidelines for teaching>>

14e session (in french)

<<Éducation À la citoyenneté, la place des droits de l'homme>>

15e session (in french)

<<Nouvelles politiques éducatives: enjeux démocratiques et droits de l’homme>>

16e session (in french)

<<Droits de l’homme et pluralisme culturel: le défi d’une éducation démocratique>>

17e session

<<Éduquer à la paix : utopies et réalités>>

18e session

<< The right to education : objectives, stakes and perspectives>>

19e session

<<Cultural dialogue : Human rights education against racism>>

20e session

International Seminar on the Education of Teachers and
Trainers for Human Rights and Peace Education

21e session

Improvement session on human rights education
for primary, secondary and vocational school teachers
Theme: human rights in the face of justice

22e session

Improvement session on human rights education for primary, secondary and vocational school teachers
Theme : The battle against violence : the contribution of fundamental rights and justice

23e session

International Session of training in human rights education for teachersof primary, secondary and profession schools
organised within the framework of the 60th anniversary of the UN
Theme : Fundamental Rights : the forgotten objectives of the Millennium ?

24e session

International Experts Meeting on the New Human Rights Council and the Human
Rights Education Issue

3rd International Meeting of Human Rights Education Experts
Dissemination of the law and participation at the UPR of the Human Rights Council : 
the role of actors from civil society and education